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Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Hydracooler 03 - Somthing Nice Back Home

Listen Now!

Jen and Emily talk about the Smoke Monster, star wars, power rangers, oh and yes, we even talk about "Something Nice Back Home,"".

Meanwhile, we try to make sense of Kate, and why we just don't care.

Listen Now!

P.S.  Feel free to discuss the episode in the comments!


Siriuslygrimm said...

Nooooooooo! I missed out crud. well catch you guys on the next talkshoe podcast. going to hear the latest podcast

The Hydra Cooler said...

Well actually we don't go live on our podcasts we record and then release them afterwards. But if you want to call our phone number then we can include your call. We did include your e-mails in our podcast though so you should definitely update your iTunes and listen on your iPod or whatever you listen with. Anyways let us know what you think about the discussion in email or comments! Thanks for the support! -Jen

Nicole's Lost said...

Hey! I really love the new podcast, I put your link on my blog, I think it's way awesome that there's another woman talking about Lost! It seems like theres so few :\ haha

Anyways, I'll keep listening! Check out my blog too :)

Emily said...

Hey! You know, we've always thought about doing a live show if we ever got enough people to say they would come

Hey Nicole, thanks for the add on your blog! We'll give you a shutout on our next show. Yes, in podcasting terms, women are outnumbered, greatly

The Hydra Cooler said...

Yes I do believe that we can do a live podcast as a special thing soon but I just wanted to point out that normally we are just a regular record on our own podcast. Thanks guys for the support! -Jen

The Hydra Cooler said...
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Anonymous said...

Which one of you is from ohio? I live in Lebanon.

Jen said...

Emily is from Ohio and I, Jen, am from Texas!